Saturday, February 4, 2017

Why feedback is important?


I’ve heard many artists say that they hate playing to silent crowds. They love the crowd that participates. Then, I didn’t understand it much. Now when I post, post after post and get no feedback, I realize my karma (of school) is getting back at me. I get to teach to the walls as my teacher would always say!

Trust me; feedback is the only thing that can keep me going and doing this job 24/7. Feedback always doesn’t mean “you are great maam” et like. I am not fishing for compliments here.

“I didn’t understand this line/topic”

“...but I hold different view in this subject....”

“I wish to disagree on this issue.....”

Just about any explanation of your understanding is the feedback that tells me which ‘pointer’ of mine has been taken. Taken doesn’t mean to be ‘agreed’. It means that word or sentence has shaken up your thought, belief and woke you up from your mental slumber because that is exactly the sole purpose of my ‘hard work’ as noted by some of you.

It’s really welcome to notice that few of you take pains to give the link of older blogs that you’ve recently read and enjoyed/benefitted, for others. That simple act of yours talks about your ‘selfless’ need to share the benefit/joy that you received with others. Trust me; it really swells me up with joy. And it is good to notice that few have read it and responded with thanks too...keep up such good works here and every other place too......

Someone said “we carry few of your quotes through the day and sometimes days and we get some wonderful insights”. That is also good because it means ‘my hard work’ is giving results. Its returns are received. That is exactly how it is supposed to work. First, a person needs to know that he doesn’t know. Then he needs to go searching for what he needs to know. Then he should be exposed to thoughts and possibilities that are a possibility which he never knew existed or if he knew he didn’t think that he could use it himself. Once he gets to know ‘the existence of an attitude’ and then comes his important role of ‘sitting on that thought’. A master can get you till ‘getting to know of a possibility’. Then to sit on that thought is entirely a student’s job. It is called as ‘mananam’. The first part of my job is to give you ‘sravanam’ i.e., that of giving you to hear what is needed for you to know. Glad you are on that path of ‘mananam’. But, it would be much clearer for others if you also take pains to write about your insights atleast in few words.....


1 comment:

Vaibhav said...


I did feel to tell below lines many times :


“...but I hold different view in this subject....”

“I wish to disagree on this issue.....”

But the reasons why I stepped back is :

1) Because of lack of understanding on that topic & kind of fear / lack of confidence of writing back to you saying we disagree..

Most of the times we wrote to you because we were not clear on that topic and when you gave us proper understanding on it, explained it.. It again would not make sense saying
"..I wish to disagree.."

I mean if I had to disagree even after you explained then what's the point of me asking and what's the point of you investing your time in helping us?? I felt this is how its supposed to be irrespective of whether I understood/liked it or not.

2)Also I had FULL FAITH in you that you would tell the complete truth.. i mean you would explain everything related to it (Ofcourse based on what we ask/inputs we give) without leaving an iota..

I'm not trying to flatter or tell some filmy dialogue but believe me , I personally wrote to you many times because I had FULL FAITH in you,Yes FULL FAITH and what ever you said would be ultimate and there would nothing else apart from it...

Yes, I did not agree many times but then my conscience answered me that I may not agree due to lack of my understanding on this concept, its my fault. Might be this is how it was supposed to be or this is how God created it and just because I don't understand/like it , God will not change the way its supposed to be.

Leaving these aside for a moment.. I would like to Thank you from the bottom of my heart for blogging continuously and taking all pains to explain things to me/us.. There is a lot of positive change in my understanding before coming to you and now... Thanks to you for all the peace,success I have in my life.

Thank You Guruji's
Thank You Reiki ..