Monday, July 25, 2022

Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving


     Me, My Guru – On Hindrances in problem solving

Then talk to yourself with an intention to find out ‘about the problem’. Knowing ‘the problem’ and ‘about it’ is half the battle won! Then take necessary action for the same”.

Later she talked on other topics but I didn’t register any of them. Sometimes, one word, one thought, one sentence or a story says it all. I take just that for a day and plan to work on it. And it has borne fruit – always!

One gem collected per day made me rich on all accounts. Now, all I had to do was to ‘encash’ it. That, was totally my choice. It depended totally on me. And this is the reason why no two student who met benefited the same way!



# on talking about problems, consequences of talking about problems, karma, negativity generated, problems and solutions, healing the issue, finding solutions, life, beauty of life, facts of life, lessons of life, obstacles of life, life is not perfect

also read suggested : 

    Points to remember and understand :

    • Life is not about collecting stories, quotes or sayings...
    • All teachings come to naught if not applied.
    • Life gives us opportunities to put to good use all that we have understood (or atleast say we have?!). 
    • Unless we are able to apply what we have learnt, how will we know that we have learnt?
    • Unless we have opportunities to apply what we have learnt, how will we grow?
    • Unless we have opportunities to behave differently and act differently from before, how will we know we have grown?
    • So, to let us know of our understanding, wisdom, application of it in life we are thrown problems in our life.
    • Every time we treat a problem as an opportunity to express our growth, know you have passed the test. You have reclaimed yourself. You have learnt to live life. You have learnt the 'art of living'








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