Sunday, July 17, 2022

Reflections – on cleaning – 1



Reflections – on cleaning – 1

“To her surprise she found all those boxes to be empty. They were unnecessarily kept there all these years. They were taking all the space ‘that was so much needed’ in that office.” – Start cleaning small space and you’ll be surprised as to how many things are waiting there to be just thrown away. They are ‘empty boxes’.  Similarly, we have empty relationships, attitudes, habits, routine, desires that are eating away our ‘spaces’ in our mental space. They are occupying space. Remove the toxicity in a relationship and you’ll breathe in a better space. Remove negative people from your life and you’ll have energy to do more productive things in your life and with your life.

Toxic relationships are those that bring negative emotions into your life. They don’t contribute anything good in your life. They are in your life just to use you and your assets to their benefit. You don’t mean anything to them – though they may talk sweet, they are nothing but foxes in the guise of sheep. Beware of such people and keep them away from your life.

“And also to her surprise and relief she found that there was more than ‘enough’ of items required in that office.” – We usually buy things and keep them inside thinking we will put them to good use at a later date. And many times, the later date never comes or we would have forgotten that we owned them in the first place. Clear your cupboards – you may get items that will give you joy. You can put them to use. Their utility may ease your life in many ways.

This also shows that we may have abilities or qualities that we are not putting to good use. It can also be with our body and mind. We are not using them right. Can you think of ways we can apply it in our life?


# on cleaning, attitude, owning the space we occupy, healing self, happiness, procrastination, laziness, little miracles, little nothings of life, mundane routine of life, abundance, on choices, opportunities

also read suggested : 

Points to ponder and questions answered :

  • Our outer world reflects our inner world. Outer world is within our reach. It is visible. Let's put our sight to good use. Let's clean the moment it comes to our notice.
  • Unless we brush aside toxic and negative people from our lives, we can't have space to invite the abundance in our life....
  • Throw away all 'empty boxes' from your life....take time to see what 'empty boxes' we have accumulated over the years - throw them away...they are taking space unnecessarily....
  • Enough of thinking "I'll use these things on a special day. Why not make today that special day by using them?" 
  • Stop postponing living life. 
  • Don't just accumulate things. Use them. Put them to good use.


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