Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Bhagavatam – Krishna answers King Dhritarashtra


Bhagavatam – Krishna answers King Dhritarashtra

But if the person is one the path of self awareness, assessment and healing, he would be more grateful for all he had experienced; his healing would heal all of such attitudes which is creating painful and unpleasant situations and hence doing away with having to live those situations and gaining strength to face such of situations which haven’t been healed and have come into effect.

As he would be more mature, balanced as he is dealing with present situation, he would create no or relatively speaking a very small piece of painful or tough situation to create. This way, life lesson can be learnt in a much easier and joyful way because of acceptance and awareness instead of anger and resentment. Therefore, such anecdotes from our Epics only speak of the need of the hour – awareness, acceptance, let go and healing. All this wouldn’t be possible with faith!

So, are we to be living with shame, guilt and fear because of our karma baggage? No! Are we ashamed of the house that we live in when it gathers dust? No! We clean it regularly. The cleaning process varies periodically. Inspite of regular dusting, mopping don’t we do intense cleaning of the entire house along with painting once a year? Like-wise with this mind, ego, intellect of ours! We gather the dust of emotions, impressions that we need to clean on regular basis. And yet thorough cleaning is required once a year and there in come handy various techniques of healing.


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