Saturday, August 18, 2018

Angulimaan, the Saint


Angulimaan, the Saint

Even Rama after killing Ravana had to go through cleansing process to have his sins condoned. No deity who had requested him to take a birth and kill Ravana took his sin away. His Guru either Sage Vishwamitra or Sage Vashista did not heal the sin themselves. He did it on his own.

At Buddha’s ashram Angulimaan went through the healing process sincerely and with one pointed concentration of being healed of all his sins. It wasn’t an easy task. Buddha didn’t promise him that it would be an easy one too! Guru can be with you guiding you as you go through your painful yet “must” healing process. He doesn’t judge you for your sins or he pains/ sufferings that you undergo in this process. In fact he is the ONLY ONE who understands your pain in this journey and yet stands by you encouraging you to never give up.

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