Saturday, August 4, 2018

On pain, abusers and moving on

On pain, abusers and moving on

There is a high possibility that each one of us meet people/situations that pain us, are abusive and break us down. The question is what are we doing about that.

There are two situations in such scenarios. One situation is when the issue happened in the long past and the other is one when we are dealing with it in present.

If the situation is one that happened in the long past, who is holding on to that? You or the other who was mean/abusive/bad to you? He had moved on. He is free of you after that act or say. Are you not the one holding on to him all these years in the name of pain and suffering? Why do you want to give power to him to hurt you even in his absence and after so many years too? Are you living for yourself or fighting against you on his behalf? Think about it!

Do we really need to hold on to the pain caused by someone and miss out on the love/affection bestowed on us by someone who likes/supports us now? And then say we are in pain and lack love in life? Ask yourself few questions that'll explain your stand/decisions/role in your life before breaking down again and again due to the act/incident/person in your past? 

What happened in the past happened in the past.

The question is what are you doing now to collect yourself and celebrate life. Now the situation is not the same. Person is not there and yet....

YOU and ONLY YOU are the stumbling block in your life and happiness.

You chose suffering or happiness of today! That's your power. Are you using is to break you or liberate you.