Tuesday, August 7, 2018

on healing the past !

On healing the past!

If we had power to go back and change the past - wouldn't we change most of it and keep doing it again and again because whatever be our decision we would regret it sooner or later in it's future..then where would we be? Just going to past again and again, reliving the same moments again and again with slight veriasion but no inklination to move on to future...

Is that the possibility we are wanting to live? 

Sit back with couple of your major decisions (which you regret) and relive them differently. What do you notice?

Always remember, every decision has its pros and cons, good and bad outcome - no matter how noble the thought. So instead of regretting on past decision wrongly made, learn from it (what ever it has to offer), heal it, move on and work on shaping a better present and future for yourself and other in your life...

People are there to find fault with any decision we take - always! They will suffer with every decision we take - not because 'the decision' hurts them but because they have decided to suffer inspite of what we do. Can you say with certainity that there is everything perfect in those peoples' lives who are complaining about the pain that 'our one decision' has given them? @*&A#, they would suffer and complain no matter what in their lives...so relax and move on...

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you so much 😊