Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!


Reflections – on freedom to do what we want!

I had a list of chores to be completed on my table – every day. It never was empty. The page was always filled. I am still to find a day when I need donothing’ the whole day. The ‘things to do’ was such a long list that it didn’t leave room, time and energy to do anything that I longed to do. Few of the things in the list were cleaning (something or the other was always pending), making some eatable – be it a pickle, podi (powder of various kinds used to mix in rice and to be eaten), savouries or sweet and so on. Even these two things were a ‘never ending task’ in my agenda. I hated it. Yet, there was no other option than doing them. At most, I could postpone it for few days – but it/they had to be done – finally!

Today, I decided to strike off couple of ‘to do’ activities from that list! Since I completed the task I felt I had earned my ‘me time’. These were the ‘times’ I used to write, type or post blog. Because, I consider writing blog ‘my guilty pleasure’. And I always feel that I should earn for my guilty pleasure – here it being – the most precious in the World – Time!

We all want to do things that give us pleasure. We want ‘to enjoy’ (the stress being on enjoy). We want the freedom to do as we want. That want is not much of a problem. But the understanding of that want is! 


# on daily mundane routine, spirituality and daily little nothings of life, life is a teacher, teaching moments during the day, on cleaning, entitlement, desire and deserving, wish and desire, wanting something, right and responsibilities, 

also read suggested : 

Points to understand : 

  • The 'list to do' is always filled and over flowing too many times. It never is empty.
  • This list is just not about day-to-day activities, but it also represents all the things we wish to do in our life - say like learning something, doing something, going somewhere, eating some place and so on...
  • This list is filled with our dreams, hopes and desires that we wish to experience, achieve and accumulate.
  • We assume that if we complete this list then we will be done, but it is never so. Once an item is struck off from this list, in its place two more items appear.
  • If we condition 'that when the list is empty' I will be happy and peaceful, then maybe that day will never come. 

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