Friday, December 2, 2022

Me, my guru – on persistence to do right!



Me, my guru – on to do right!

“Sometimes, your mind needs more time to accept what your heart already to be true!” replied our Guru “Each one of us knows what is dharm and adharm. Each one knows what is right and what is pleasing. Yet, all follow the mind. And therein lies their karma and the cause of their suffering. The day they get connected to their heart, they will choose right. The day they start listening to their heart, they can’t go wrong ever! if my repetition can get to connect them to their hearts, then I don’t mind all this work” she concluded. And before Rahul could a question she continued “If they don’t then at least I wouldn’t have a regret that maybe they would’ve listened to their heart if I had tried enough!? So, it is a win-win for me. 

He was silenced. 

I was bowled over!


# on persistence, on quitting, on going on with good deeds, giving and receiving, 

also read previous post on this topic : 

read the complete link ....

What is your take from this post?

How do you think you would want to apply this lesson that you learnt today in your life?


1 comment:

Aparna Deshpande said...

Thank you for everything 🙏🙋🏻‍♀️🌹