Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Me, My Guru - On honesty!


Me, My Guru - On honesty!

“Nothing” she said smiling “not every character stands for something as you suppose.  Neither do those kids mean anything! What the story has to offer is somewhere else and you are looking at unimportant aspects of that story”.

Now we were confused for sure!

“Oh, we know this is just about being honest” came a voice from behind.

“Well, sort of yes and no. It is about honesty but that’s not all! We all want to run our lives our way. That is we want to rule ‘our world’ – short we want to be kings of our ‘little kingdoms’ and yet are always crying and complaining as to why we don’t get to sit on that ‘coveted throne’ and rule our lives – the way we want to. How come someone else does that and we lose out on that chance – every single time?” she continued. “But we forget the basis of eligibility to that kingship is ‘Honesty’ – the basic attitude that we compromise on and we miss out on our understanding of the Universal Law that “We get what we give”. How can we expect honesty and trust from others if we are not honest? Apply it everywhere and you’ll see the pattern come alive that explains the basis or basic cause of our suffering.

If you want love, GIVE LOVE

If you want respect, GIVE RESPECT

If you want happiness, GIVE HAPPPINESS

If you want understanding, GIVE UNDERSTANDING


If you manipulate, YOU’LL BE MANIPULATED

If you give hatred YOU GET HATRED

If you are selfish YOU’LL MEET SELFISH PEOPLE etc....

Each one gets what one gives. Each is ‘eligible’ to his ‘kingdom’ the one he has ‘generated’.

We all desire to be ‘kings’ enjoying abundance of power, material benefits and comforts but forgot that we sit on the throne that we generate on. Whether it is one of thorns or of petals depends on us and our attitude and character”.

She left us for good.

Honestly this was not the first time she talked about this but yet ‘kingdom’ part thrown in this time made it more impactful. We each applied it to areas where our suffering came from and this we, at least me got a peep into the reason for my suffering, I understood why I got what I got, why I lived with people I do and lead the life the way I do. Trust me, it wasn’t anything good. We each had to do lots of thinking and so stopped talking for now and went silent – at least for sometime.....


suggested reads: https://kantipadam.blogspot.in/search?q=paradigm+shift

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