Wednesday, April 11, 2018

On genuinity and happiness

On genuinity and happiness


Now how does this happen. Quite simple if you understand the Universal Law and that is ‘you receive what you generate’.

Previously as a reaction you would generate irritation, anger, fear, disappointment and its allied feelings all through the day thinking about the issue/person. The result was it again came back the next day in the form that you disliked or feared. Yes, we create the monster that we suffer with!

So, now when you are happy at other times, that is the energy that has to come and hence either the issue or person becomes less painful the next day or time that you have to face it/them. And, you healing it removes the basic cause of its creation and over time it gets healed.

But this all becomes easy and long standing only if you change the way you deal with it and change the way you live your day.

First, stop complaining about it to one and all. If you are not doing it aloud, then look within, you are continuously feeding it with your thought.

Stop that! You need to make conscious effort to do that. It may look hard but no excuses there for anyone. Use every healing technique to achieve that goal. The more you complain/think, the more you generate that energy. So, stop that right away!

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