Saturday, April 14, 2018

On genuinity and happiness...


On genuinity and happiness...

Be patient!  As simple as it is, it is most difficult but only thing ‘doable’ in times of crisis. Just wait! Do all the other ‘things’ and then just wait for things to sort themselves out! Trust the process! Everyone is helpless before ‘Time’. Everything has a season and all we could do is ‘do our bit and wait’ – that’s all! So, do all that needs to be done and then relax – leave the rest to Him/Time/Reiki/Universe. Don’t hurry! Nothing good would come out of it – ever. So be patient! Develop patience!

And as you wait, don’t miss out on life. Savour little joys and moments of joy. Enjoy the chirping of birds, watch sunrise, relish your coffee, be grateful for the needs and wants fulfilled and carry a song in your heart and that’ll put a smile on your lips. Hold it there for some time. Stop pretending and start living. Work on being instead of achieving. And behold! You are where you desired to be and more.........

May this journey be as joyful as it promises to be to each one of you.........


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