Tuesday, April 10, 2018

On genuinity and happiness

On genuinity and happiness

A Hollywood actress was asked the secret of her happiness and she replied “I had to look happy for photographs and I kept faking it and then one day I asked myself, if I had to look happy why fake it, why not feel it and ever since I’ve been happy – always!”

Simple – isn’t it?

Most of us are either faking it or chasing our happiness all the time. We are never experiencing it. Instead if we live just in the moment, we can experience happiness right here, right now. Accepted there will be issues unresolved (may forever or always) with us, but why carry them with us all through the day. Does it resolve the issue? No. On the contrary we’ve missed out on living one more day – happily. There also will be people giving us pain and reasons to frown and suffer. Fine, frown, suffer but move on. Don’t carry that person even when he’s left you. Assuming that you are with a person, say for couple of hours a day who irritates, frustrates or gives you pain. Fine, suffer that for that couple of hours. But the moment, he is out of sight, you too move on – to your happy zone. You can experience pain again when you are with that person again. But for now ‘be happy’. That would be step one.

Next, as a reiki channel, do the required healing of that painful issue or person using various techniques taught to you.

Thirdly, try to go to your happy zone say for just couple of minutes in ‘that person’s presence’ too. It is hard at the start but you can do it. Remember, koshish karne walon ki kabhi haar nahi hothi....one who tries never fails....As you practice step I and II, within few days you’ll notice the decrease in the intensity of pain that the issue or person gives you. And if you are committed to your happiness and keep on with this work the frequency of ‘painful period’ would decrease gradually too!

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