Thursday, April 19, 2018

Stories and all! The daughter!

Stories and all! The daughter!

This is the story of a man in a certain city. He was always unhappy and hence irritated. Maybe, it was the other way, but I guess no one could say which was true! And so he spent his days in misery and cursing his fate. Everyone except him seemed happy around him. That increased his pain more.
But he lived on. Every morn he had something or the other to irritate him. Once it was that his coffee was cold or was spilled on him. Sometimes he found his shirt wrinkled or its button lost. Or it could be that he kept receiving calls from some random numbers.

He left irritated from his place and he would find a dog on his way to bus-stop shouting non-stop at him. It even came very near him and barked its lungs out. It frightened him more than it irritated him. His office and colleagues were no better. At the end of the day he was more than just irritated and angry, he was frustrated to the core. His life seemed to be a ‘circle of pain and suffering’.

And then one day his life changed for better when he held a bundle of joy called ‘his daughter’ in his palms. He couldn’t help smiling and laughing. Oh God! She was so small and so beautiful! Just a
look at her and he felt blessed. He wanted no more in life or from
life. He felt arrived. She bought cheer in his life. His life and thoughts revolved around her. People saw him smiling often and his talk revolved around her and all found his voice cheerful and happy now.


{P.S: i have highlighted so that you can think what they mean...each sentence/word that i have highlighted mean something /represent something in life and will answer so many of your questions...yes, each individual sentence highlighted gives answer to your atleast couple or more of your regular questions and solution is also given in the story...sit with these thoughts, let your thoughts revolve around them on and off through the day...write them down and go to them often during the day...i know you will get it, it's just you are not looking enough}

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