Monday, June 14, 2021

On gratitude and trust!


On gratitude and trust!

One Reiki channel was doing reiki to get a seat in a certain course for 4 whole years. She got it and later told me about a wonderful senior who was very helpful which made her adjusting in new environment effortless. She had asked couple of times during her ‘trying time’ why she didn’t get it inspite of doing Reiki for so long. Now I told her ‘See Reiki had to arrange for this senior to be in a position to help you and guide you right. All pieces have fallen in place now. Can’t you see?’

The answer that Reiki channel gave was classic. It reflected her maturity and understanding of how Reiki functions beyond her age. She simply smiled and said “Reiki would have found me a guide and senior similar to them anywhere I got seat. Only name and form would have been different. But the quality that is helping me would be found in any person I meet where reiki sends me!”

Now that is ‘Trust’. Trust says wherever Reiki/Guru/God/Universe places me (if and when I am in sadhan) that is absolutely right for me and it is good for me too. We need not be ADAMANT about receiving what we want. Just ask and let Reiki decide how to package it. IT WILL BE GOOD ONLY! This is faith! This is Trust! This is Belief! 


# gratitude, trust, belief, things going right, pleasant and right decisions, 

also read previous post : 

Points to question and to be understood : 

  • What is the difference between trust and being grateful?
  • Trust is not the word used to tell God or Guru so that they are forced to fulfill our demands.
  • Trust doesn't mean we get what we desire.
  • Trust means we get what is 'right' for us.
  • Trust also means if we are denied our 'demand list' than there is a greater good and higher love even in that 'denial'.
  • Trust means we trust his 'love' to be higher and nobler enough to see to our higher good even when we are doubting him and pounding him with hate words.
  • When a parent takes away a knife from a child's hand sometimes even by slapping the child does it mean parent is bad or doesn't love his child. Infact, in his act of hitting the child is his love for child expressed. Not every act of love is buying gifts and giving gifts to his child. Every act of discipline is also an act of love. 
  • If you can understand this, you'll understand why we receive few 'slaps' by way of 'ill health', tough situations, denied or delayed wishes, tough people in our life.
  • Think for once from the point of 'how has HE enveloped HIS love for me in this situation?' instead of asking 'but He is not supposed to do this no...?'

Note : Appreciate you for going through the old posts as requested many times before and also sharing your inputs on the same. 
Appreciate also the fact that you are in sadhan on reg. basis.
Appreciate all those who completed 250 + malas of chanting MM in the allotted time.

A small HW : those who have done set no. of malas of chanting MM do a small HW.
Sit in meditation. Take time and do this exercise. Take time. Do it more than once to get right results. Sit at least once per day for atleast 3-4 days to get results. More days is also welcome.
Look within and see what changes you notice within you - before and after MM chanting. Look for physical changes (like some acidity or headache gone etc), emotional change etc.
Look at your mental status too. Look at all areas. Note it down. And then share it on blog if you please.
Those who do this exercise will have so many of their doubts, questions answered in one go. 

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Namaste Maam,

I saw a lot of psychological changes during and after the entire exercise of chanting. I feel less stressed. When something doesn’t go as per my convenience, I do not panic. I just make one last attempt with an open mind (thinking I can manage even if my request is not accepted and that it’s his way of making me some people with whom I have some pending task). But to my surprise each of those times my attempt were successful. This happened in at least 2 occasions while the exercise was going on and it still happens. I am learning to trust in his plan for me. I know that everything is as per the divine plan - testing me/my faith also is his plan.

Each day I experience more love and appreciation from everyone around me. I try to enjoy the experience and noticed that while doing so I unknowingly reciprocate love and joy to them.

I noticed that I am able to overcome the urge to respond/ react to someone when we are not on the same page. I can also see areas where I can and should improve. Each time I close my eyes and ask where am I wrong and what should I do, I immediately get the answer.

Will meditate more on this.

Thank you for all your help and healing maam!

Thank you Reiki!
Thank you Guruji!