Tuesday, June 29, 2021

On pain in love



On pain in love

The basis of this relationship is ‘expectation’. You consider the person as a means to fulfillment of your desires. You consider you being in that relationship as an ‘investment’. If it is an investment, there ought to be ‘losses’ too in that! And that is why we end up being in pain and we suffer in our relationships.

If there was ‘love’, IF, then there never would be pain and suffering – at least the kind you are experiencing and complaining about. When a person is in love, just being with the person he loves is enough. What we receive and not receive NEVER matters! IF it is love!

This doesn’t just apply to man-woman relationship. It applies to every relationship – parent-child, friends, office-work, we with our job, master-student, employee-employer, nation-citizen, pet-master, Guru-disciple, God-devotee.

Use every relationship as a mirror that reflects your character. See how you handle it. That will tell you where to build your character. It will reflect what you need to drop. Then every relationship will become beautiful and fruitful.


# on love, relationships, expectations, being happy in relationships, love and pain, pain and suffering, disappointment, 

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

When it is written use every relationship as a mirror to view your character initially when I read this lines I felt how ?
Then started doing sadhan and let go is what I added these days .
Then I started unknowingly understanding the sentence.
One relation always troubled me because from me my expectation is that I am perfectly good this clouded my thought because I always questioned my self why am I not able to give 100 percent to this relationship inspite of other person. This made me sink with in . Then I had my little conversations with myself and then I understood a great deal about so many things I was over looking
Thank you Reiki for giving me this understanding