Wednesday, June 30, 2021

On pain in love



On pain in love

Stop labeling it as ‘but he is supposed to do this’ etc. Just live that relationship and reflect on who you are in that relationship. If you have become a better person, then you are living that relationship right. If you are becoming a bitter person, then you need to work on yourself and drop that attitude say like conditioning etc. Bye and by you will flower into a beautiful version of you. And a day would come when you will master the art of being with anyone and being happy! Is it not what everyone wants!

Relationships are not the 'magic lamp' that we can rub to have our wishes fulfilled. They are given to us to make us selfless, pure in intent, for us to learn to give, learn and unlearn from each other and just to have a playmate who would play along in this process.

Need is same. What needs to be done is also given now! Just do it. Yes, it may take longer than usual. But hey, what’s the hurry?


# on love, relationships, expectations, being happy in relationships, love and pain, pain and suffering, disappointment, 

also read : 

Read this link given above to also questions like : 

  • How to believe when things don't go as per our wish?
  • Why do things go bad even after believing or doing reiki?
  • Ill-health and death are part and parcel of our life. Yet we don't accept it when it happens to us or our near ones. May be the problem is not in what is happening. It is in our conditioning of mind that labels disease and death as bad and evil. The day we shift our perception on death and disease then our faith is restored. Our depression goes for a toss. And we develop clarity of thought that can see all events of life as important part of our growth and journey.
Points to be taken from this post :
  • Relationships are not to be 'USED' to fulfill our desires. 
  • When we USE PEOPLE  in our life as a means to fulfill our demands and desires, we suffer. This is 'lustful' way of living any relationship.
  • When we LOVE PEOPLE  and use things of the world to express it then we experience LOVE. Such are the people who are happy in every relationship of their life. The people in their life are ever desiring to be with them. The people in their life say 'the best time of my life is when I spend it with him/her'.
  • Use things and love people in your life. That is the 'right way' of doing things. That is 'Dharma'.
  • Using people to get things in your life is the usual way of doing things and that ALWAYS  ends up being painful and causing suffering.
  • Like in everything we have two ways of doing things - the usual way and the right way. 
  • Your choice decides your returns. 
  • You can't walk one path and want the result of the other!
  • You can't USE PEOPLE and then want affection, concern, respect, peace, contentment and love in life!
On comment :
"The link given of the previous post is long written ones and yet it is appreciated now and found useful now!"
It shows - We don't remember all that we have read. So it is advised to go to older posts and re-read them again and again.
What we have read then wouldn't have resonated with us then. But now with better clarity of thought we are able to understand the old posts. That's why I repeatedly ask you to go back to older posts.
The way you read it then and the way you get it now reflects the journey you have made. That reflects the distance covered by your clarity of thought. Kudos to that! People always ask "but what did I get doing reiki all this years? my 'this' wish is still pending?" The answer to that is 'this understanding that you lacked then'. Got it?!?

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the post .

This post has asked me to go with in and I have realised
1. Since the time we started the quarantine healings last year there has been a great change with in me .
2. All the way I was validating my finances , cooking etc but I overlooked the change with in.
3. There is a sea change in me . These healings have helped me discover a new me .
4. I started falling in love with this me .
5 . There was a time I hated myself soo much that I would not look into the mirror.
6. Now mirror no more scares me .
7. Surrender, Surrender, surrender this is the best mantra I learnt to surrender and do the healing . The healing brought this change in me .
8. I have started using techniques learnt in the class and with out me noticing it I have changed . 9. Rather than thinking what is this method doing , where and which aspect it is healing I started thanking the technique because rather than thinking about how and which aspects it is healing I am great ful for it to heal me .
10. Blog has been my constant friend .
11. This post has brought a clarity with reference to one of the important relationships of my life .

Thank you reiki , Thank you Guruji