Sunday, June 27, 2021

On Chanting!



On Chanting!

Sit in meditation. Look within. You’ll find your answers, solutions and root cause of all your problems within you ONLY! No amount of pointing fingers at others is going to solve any of your problems. Own up your attitude. Look at it. Understand yourself before crying about your life. The day you look at yourself and know your attitude which is stopping from letting abundance come into your life, your healing will happen instantly and your life will change for better faster than you can imagine.


You can quietly skip this post and keep up with your demanding, crying and accusing nature.

See what attitude to drop and what to pick. Make right choices. YOU are to live with your choices. So be good to yourself. Make right choices.

And making right choices will come with regular healing that will eventually heal your ‘psychic impressions’ that is clouding your ‘clarity of thought’.

So be in sadhan till ‘clarity of thought’ comes!


# on giving and receiving, giving without expectations, intention and its effect on receiving, expectations and receipt, life and its rules, laws of nature, abundance and its secret...

also read previous post :

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1 comment:

Kshitija said...

This post is very useful to me it helped me check my self .
It helped me check what ever is happening to me .
Yes as long as I was waiting for someone to help me or blaming someone I was in a pit of mire but sadhan started a wave of questions in me and is taking me on a whole new path .
I started seeing a change in me which is more connected to me.
Thank u reiki for introducing me to this new me .

Thank you reiki , thank u giruji , thank you 🙏 blog