Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Me, My Guru – On Narada and Vishnu – The Greatest devotee of all!



Me, My Guru – On Narada and Vishnu – The Greatest devotee of all!

Around noon, the Lord and the Narada took leave and went their way. When they crossed the village Narada asked the Lord Vishnu “How can you call him your greatest devotee? He says “Narayana” once in a while, while I utter it all through the day!!?”

When the person who asks the question is high with emotions like anger or arrogance, there is no point in explaining to him. Wouldn’t the Lord know this? So, the Lord gave Narada a pot of water and said “Just do a small favour to me. Keeping this pot of water on your head, go around that mountain once. There is an important rule though you need to follow without fail. Not a drop of water should spill. That is very very important Narada. Remember that! If you spill even a drop of water, then you are disqualified from being my greatest bhaktha. And again I repeat, no excuses there!”

So saying, the Lord Vishnu sat relaxed under the Peepul tree.

Sage Narada smiled and said “That’s an easy job. I’ll be back soon my Lord. You stay here.”

Sage Narada left to complete his task.

The Lord closed his eyes and attended to His World Affairs!


# me my Guru stories, Narada and Lord Vishnu, who's the greatest bhaktha of all, devotee, upanishad stories, Vedic stories, Vedic itihaasa, Land called India and its scriptures, stories from Indian Scriptures, attitude of devotion, devotion, devotee, loving God, Prayer, rituals and love, 

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