Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!



Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!

On his way, he had to cross a dense forest. This forest was the abode of so many people who were doing various forms of penance to end their cycle of existence. This is considered as “Moksha” in Vedic philosophy.

Under a banyan tree, he saw an ascetic doing tapas (penance). Seeing Narada, he became excited and started chatting with the Great Sage. During the course of their talk, Narada told the ascetic that he was going to Vaikuntam. The ascetic became thoughtful and asked the Sage “Dear Sir, can you do me a favour? As you are going to Vaikuntam, can you ask the Lord as to when I’ll get Enlightened?”

The Sage found this question very common. Most people asked him this question. He smiled and agreed to find out. He resumed his journey.

After some time he came across one more ascetic doing a head-stand. When he saw Sage Narada, he fell at his feet and sought his blessing. When the ascetic found that Narada was visiting Vaikuntam, he asked “Sir, I’ve been doing tapas – intense since 50 years. Can you please find out from the Lord as to when I’ll be Enlightened?

Narada smiled and agreed to find out.

Narada reached Vaikuntam. He spent quite some time in Vaikuntam. When it was time to leave, he remembered the questions posed by the two ascetics. The Lord smiled and said “The one who did intense tapas will be Enlightened in his 3rd birth from now.

And the other after completing as many janmas as there are leaves on the banyan tree under which he is meditating”.


# me my guru stories, Narada and the bhaktha, vedic philosophy, Bhakthi, moksha, penance, enlightenment, freedom from the cycle of life and death, Lord Narayana, Upanishads, land called India and its philosophy, 

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