Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2



Me, My Guru - On purpose of Life - 2

We picked our cups and drank our tea. As we drank our tea we started exchanging our problems and pains of our lives.

Our Guru, Rahul and Aziz silently drank their tea.

When we finished drinking our tea we expected her to start her explanation. Instead, she said, “Look at the tea tray – all of you”.

We did. There were a few cups left on the tray. So, why did Rahul bring extra tea cups today?

“Maybe, he didn’t count today”, thought some.

“Look at all the cups that are picked by you people and look at the leftover cups” our guru smiling.

The cups that were taken were good-looking ones and the leftover ones were the plain Janes!

This was pointed to us by our Guru though!

She continued “So, you see, you all picked fancy cups and all of you left the plain ones behind”

Today the cups in which tea was served were beautiful. They were of different colours and shapes.

“So, what is wrong in doing that?” asked I.

“There is nothing wrong in it. It is acceptable that you have good taste. But, what you need to understand here is something different. What is the main thing here? The cup or the tea? Are we here to drink tea or relish holding fancy cups in our hands?” our guru posed the million-dollar question!

It was then it hit us a bit. We realized something was missing here! WE missed something here!


# Me My Guru stories, purpose of life, ikigai, self worth, self esteem, joys of life, happiness, life, needs and purpose of life, beauty of life, abundance, 

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