Sunday, June 30, 2024

Me, My Guru – On Narada and Vishnu – The Greatest devotee of all!



Me, My Guru – On Narada and Vishnu – The Greatest devotee of all!

When the silence was broken, it was to meditate! Yes, today we decided on our own to meditate. We knew where our flaw was today!! No point letting this understanding go to waste if we don’t put it into action – at least for today!

Our minds co-operated with us today. We were in silence like never before. We tasted the joy of ‘silence’. This was so near us – so within our reach and yet…! We could access it every day of our life and yet….

Which would be the story that could wake us up to that understanding and action??

When would be the day we would experience this bliss – day after day?

We wished it was sooner than later!

But today, we were in bliss! We would be in this hangover for a couple of days more as we lived through our lives. And then, we would go back to our restless selves again. But, that was for later. Today, Now, we were in bliss!



# me my Guru stories, Narada and Lord Vishnu, who's the greatest bhaktha of all, devotee, upanishad stories, Vedic stories, Vedic itihaasa, Land called India and its scriptures, stories from Indian Scriptures, attitude of devotion, devotion, devotee, loving God, Prayer, rituals and love, 

also read

Question time:

So, what in the story caught your attention?

What is your take on this post?

What did you understand from this story?

What can you apply from this story in your life?

How was this post useful to you?

What changes are you going to bring in your way of living from today onwards because of your understanding that you are taking from this post?


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