Saturday, June 8, 2024

Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!



Me, My Guru – Narada and Bhaktha – disappointed and in bliss!

Sage Narada was touched with his love for the Lord. He was touched by his humility, bhakthi, surrenderence, egolessness, purity and patience. It was rare to come by such a bhaktha. As the Sage was thinking so, flowers from the heavens fell on the banyan tree on Narada and on that dancing bhaktha. At that very moment a “Divine Light” fell on the ascetic and he got his moksha then and there!

Sage Narada was highly pleased. So were the Divine Beings who had showered flowers on the ascetic” our Guru concluded her story.

She didn’t talk further.

She didn’t need to.

Both the students got up, fell at her feet and left saying “Thank you Guruji, we received our answer. We know where we are lacking. Bless us to overcome our weaknesses”.

Some days are simple yet magical like today as I found out “It’s not about the goal. It’s all about the journey. Happiness is not in getting a desire fulfilled. It is in the chase”.



# me my guru stories, Narada and the bhaktha, vedic philosophy, Bhakthi, moksha, penance, enlightenment, freedom from the cycle of life and death, Lord Narayana, Upanishads, land called India and its philosophy, 

also read 

Short, crisp, complete and clear is the link. It covers all that needs to be covered. Read it 10 times, 20 times, 100 times and yet the meaning will evade you - keep healing and coming back to this simple post - again and's always the simple ones that are most difficult to understand...... 

Question time:

What is the major difference between the two bhakthas?

Failure or success - all depends on the person - does it fit here and if yes, how?

What is the most important ingredient to be happy?


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