Saturday, May 16, 2009


“My spouse doesn’t understand or I am good but not my spouse” has already been dealt with. Remember the “dirty window story.”


What’s the causative factor for confusion?

Before dealing with the healing of confusion, let’s look into the factors that contribute to confusion. They can be broadly categorized as:
· Fear
· Expectations
· Connectivity between totally unrelated subjects/ thoughts
· Not having clarity of thought – especially towards what we want and how we wish to go about getting it.
· Mind that pops up dozen to a minute thoughts

Fear – Fear that adds to confusion is:
· Fear of not getting that we wish to get
· Fear of losing that we have
· Fear of the unexpected

The basis of any fear is always ignorance. And the add on to any fear is an assumption. The day we understand this, we’ll face fear as an enemy that doesn’t have an entity. That which is unknown is always feared – not out of logic but out of habit which stems from the mindset which says every unknown is to be feared. “Known devil is always preferred over an unknown God”. Every situation, person, belief system etc known is considered as a safe bet – however uncomfortable or painful it be – it still is preferred over the unknown better possibility. Only a person who is ready to let go off the security of the anchor will sail towards the yonder shores of happiness and success.

Fear of not getting is baseless. That which is not yours yet – how can you experience the pain of losing it. It’s all the mind game. Beware of it. Woh jise tumne abhi payaa nahin use khone ka gam kaisa? And that which will leave you sooner or later – well there is no point crying over the possibility of losing it too. Come to think of it – every thing in the world is transient (be it body, relations, money, name, fame and anything that comes to your mind) and is bound to leave you sooner or later – what is it that we can be sure of for ever? Nothing. Only thing that is certain in the entire universe is Uncertainty. So our longing to hold things and to retain them so for ever, is a wasteful effort.

बेह्टर थो है यही के न दुन्या से दिल लागे
पर क्या करें जो काम न बे-दिल-लगी

It’s better that I do not get enchanted by this world
But I can’t get around without being enchanted.

“If you love something/someone, just let them free. If they come back, they are yours. If they don’t they never were yours.” What is not yours cannot be lost because you didn’t own it in the first place. Right?

Humein unse hai wafa ki ummeed jo nahin jaante wafa kya hai

I am expecting fidelity from the person who doesn’t know the spelling of it….

So, the expectation is at fault. To expect what you want from what ever source you wish can only give you pain. And this pain is purely self-inflicted. It has nothing to do with the source from which you expected.

The mind that is not calm and that which is agitated pops up dozen thoughts /minute. It connects unrelated issues and tries to bring senseless logical connection between them and generates pain, anger, depression etc in us. Every single incident is complete by itself. Do not connect it with any incident/ thought of past /present /future. The connectivity brings in confusion and pain or related feelings.

Now sadhan is the only way to heal all these. Lack of clarity of thought and ultimately being unaware of the Truth is the causative factor of all the above mentioned feelings /emotions. Fear is the mother of all sins and ignorance the father. Remove them and we have removed all the causes and effects of pain and suffering.

And the techniques to first loosen up fear and ignorance and then to completely remove them are:
· Rebirth meditation with fear and ignorance (at least five times with each of this attitude)
· Let go meditation with the same
· Full-body reiki
· Go through the blog “Preventive maintenance and maintenance free life” and follow the steps given for preventive maintenance in all aspects of life.

Have I made myself clear or any more explanation needed? Please let me know….

Ultimately remember, no amount of explanation will address the issue. Explanations only indicate where the problem is. But the solution lies in healing only. And I have already stated the techniques for various healings needed. Only sadhan ultimately heals us and gives us the results we wish or desire for. No amount of talking would help in any way what so ever if it is only heard. So start working on the understanding for the results to come your way….

May you understand the need for healing and persist in healing yourself and the situation till you experience “poornamadam” every moment is complete and blissful………



mohan said...

Explained beautifully. Every word is worth its weight in GOLD.

Just beautiful.

Even now if somebody has a confusion then leave the situation to GOD.He will take his own time and will let you know. Till that time have some patience please.

vijayalakshmi said...

Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.

Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.

monali said...

Thanks a lot mam. Really, cant thank you enough for this, no one can explain things better to me. ( am really short of words, may be i should work some more on my throat chakra today.. he he.) :-)