Thursday, May 14, 2009


The basis of any good relationship should be and can be only when we agree to disagree.

The statement clearly explains that two persons are agreeing to disagree with each other’s opinion. Opinion is just not a conclusion that we arrive at based on facts & figures available to us. We add the tinge of our experiences, prejudices and also our feelings related with the related experiences to the facts and figures and view it and then stamp it as our opinion. This is not correctly arrived at as we are viewing the entire world with tainted glasses of ‘my likes and dislikes’. So our opinions change the moment we have a paradigm shift and our perspective has undergone a change. So why hold on to the shifting opinions so dearly that I am ready to let go off my near and dear ones for the sake of an opinion?

Opinion is mine, but I am not the opinion. It may change tomorrow but I still will be the same. So, I am clear that we can agree to disagree with regards to the opinion but still be loving and respecting each other for what we are.
Once upon the time, Beauty and Ugliness went for a bath in a sea. They both undressed and swam in the waters. After sometime, Ugliness came back to shore and garmented herself with the garments of Beauty and walked her way.

Sometime later Beauty came out of the sea and not finding her garment, not wanting to go naked took the garment of Ugliness, wore it and walked her way.

And to this day men and women mistake the one for the other.

Yet, for some there are who have beheld the face of Beauty and they know her notwithstanding her garments. And for some there will be who know the face of Ugliness and the cloth conceals him not from their eyes.

I have always found some statements that doesn’t make any sense like “She is good but is dark”.
“He is good but poor boy not so good looking”

Such statements talk about our confusion and conflicting stands rather than about the other person. When we say “she/he is good but not so good looking” we are actually mixing two issues which are not at all connected. What has looks got to do with the good character? But, we say “she is dark, poor girl” as if it were a sin to be dark, as if it were a negative quality. Colour of the skin doesn’t guarantee the character of a person. Krishna, Rama and all gods are considered dark. Westerners spend so much of money to get the tan which we are naturally endowed with. Dark skin has melanin more in quantity which is natural UV ray protector and insulates against all sun-burns and sun related, skin related diseases. This blessing is considered a curse. What a pity! Fair skinned flaunt their tan and the dark skinned spend millions for getting that unattainable fair skin. What a state of mind! What we have is never good. What we don’t have is the only good thing and worth having. Right? Think about it.

From today let us just say “she/he is good” and “she/he is dark skinned” as two separate statements but never in the same breathe. Likewise, when we talk of some one’s attitudes then it is only “she/he is good” – period – there will be no mention of the colour of their skin. Let us be very clear about what we say and how we think.

Why? What difference would it make if we say as we are used to saying? Well, it talks about confusion in thinking and the energy which is generated is that of confusion. Confusion energy is a negative energy which is going to reflect as confusing events /situations in life. And I am sure, no intelligent person wishes to have confusion reigning in their lives. So, if you want crystal clear way of thinking and living, then start at the point of beginning which is “thought”.

Got any more such statements which are self contradictory? Let’s discuss them if you wish.



mohan said...

My SPOUSE never understands me but I always adjust all the time

I am basically right always but others never understand me

monali said...

Mam, i dont know why, i'm always confused in life. And probably that's why, confusing events keep occuring all the time. How do i get out of this confusion? it seems as if i can never make a final decision.
Now even when i do dowsing, for the same question, the crystal moves in random directions (sometimes, not always)!!!