Friday, May 1, 2009

The Veil

I, the most important person for Me

However, much we talk of our love for near and dear, we love ourselves more than the person we say or think we love.

Many a times I have come across relatives who say they are ready to give away their entire life savings to save their dear ones. But, no one dies with the dead. And the life moves on. Because, everyone knows instinctively that other person is a poor hostage for one’s own life. And the Truth is we love ourselves the most – more than our spouse and children inclusive.

Brihadaranyakopanishad declares that the mother never loves the child for child’s sake. She loves him for the sake of the joy that the child gives her. The husband never loves the wife. He loves the wife because of the joy she can give to himself – so on and so forth.

No one loves other for what they are. They love others for the joy that other person brings into their life.

If, this be true, then I better understand as to what is in me that I love the most. It must be the body! But, if the doctor gives me an option to amputate a leg or prick the eyes to save my lives, our choice certainly would be for an organ of knowledge over an organ of action.

Again, supposing an organ-of-knowledge say an ear is severely paining due to ulcer in the ear and the doctor suggests removal of ear to reduce the pain and disturbance in our mind, then I am sure I would sacrifice the organ-of-knowledge for the sake of the much more intimate and beloved entity in me, the mind. So, I know for sure that my mind is dearer to me than my organs of action and knowledge.

But, I have also read stories of freedom martyrs who have happily suffered physical pains and tortures just to live up to their ideals. How many stories of the rich and affluent we know who have sacrificed their lives for their ideals? Is it not evident that my intellect is much dearer to me than my mind?

So, it is evident that my body, mind, intellect and people in my life are not the source of ultimate joys in my life. The Factor that is most potent and active in body, mind and intellect i.e., the soul is the most loved by us all and it is the source of our maximum joy.

So, we can conclude that:

Body is mine, but I am not the body. So, body can have disease affecting it, still I can be at peace.

Mind is mine, but I am not the mind. So, mind’s thoughts are not mine and I need not suffer because of them.

Relatives are mine, but I am not the relation. So, my peace, attitude and happiness don’t depend on the type of relatives I have in my life. I can never be happy if I want to be happy because of people/relative in my life. I can be happy only in spite of their presence/ absence in my life.

Possessions are mine. I am not the possessions. They may come and they may go. But I am for ever. I can still go ahead and achieve and secure things and possessions in life. But still, my existence is not reflected by their presence/absence in my life.

…No one, except God, loves you for yourself
and not for your golden hairs…….


mohan said...

God has created he dosen't have a choice. He has to love everybody irrespective of their nature...:-)

monali said...

So, can two people never love each others' souls, regardless of their bodies or possessions???

vijayalakshmi said...

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.
The human soul has still greater need of the ideal than of the real. It is by the real that we exist; it is by the ideal that we live.

padmaja said...

The scriptures (Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita) declare, "All Nature is God" and "The Lord is in all beings". When learning about the sublime secrets of the trees, appreciate the Creator and strive to understand the principles behind creation. Life is a tree. The mutual relationship we cultivate and cherish are symbolized by the branches, twigs and leaves; the thoughts arising in the mind are the flowers; Ananda (Joy) is in the fruit, Dharma is the sweet juice it contains. The tree is held firm by the very roots which fed it...roots that symbolize faith and self-confidence. Nurture the roots well.

padmaja said...

When you win the Love of God, His compassion will flow unto you. Love gives and forgives. Ego gets and forgets. Live without hating others, condemning others, or seeking faults in others. Doing good to others is the only meritorious act. Doing evil is the most heinous sin. When you feel you cannot do good, at least desist from doing evil; that itself is a meritorious service. Do not try to discover the differences, discover unity

padmaja said...

You have it in your power to make your days on earth a path of flowers, instead of a path of thorns. Recognize the Lord present in every heart, and all will be smoothness, softness and sweetness for you. The Lord will be the fountain of Love in your heart, and in the hearts of all with whom you come in contact. Know that the Lord is Omnipresent in You, and in every other being. Adore everyone as you adore the Lord. Allow the others as much freedom as you like to enjoy, and do unto him just as you would like to be done to you. Don't do unto him anything you don't like to be done unto you. This is the sum and substance of your spiritual effort.

mohan said...

For monali's comment

Who said that two people cannot love each others souls...regardless of their possessions...?

This only happens when you love a person a lot irrespective of his/her nature...but end up being separated due to certain unavoidable circumstances.

Love does NOT know rich or poor..... big or small...

Remember that you are supposed to love every human being .....ofcourse it also depends on your relationship with that person.

padmaja said...

To consider oneself to be a server means to be humble.


Each one is endowed with certain specialities and gifts. The one who is able to use these specialties for the benefit of others as a server, is able to make a contribution to better the lives of those around. But the one who only thinks of his specialities and a chance for expressing the specialities is not able to remain humble.


All the specialties that I have are there for a purpose. The more I use it to benefit others, the more I am able to use them with humility. I am also able to gather the good wishes of those around me and further increase my specialities. I have no expectations from others but am able to give unconditionally, recognizing their need.

padmaja said...

The body is a chariot. The charioteer is the principle of Buddhi (intellect). The senses are the horses. The reins that regulate and restrain the horses is the Manas (mind). When the mind wavers and wanders, not having stability of purpose, the horses run helter-skelter, endangering even the charioteer, Buddhi (intellect). So, one has to control the mind and not pollute it with greed for sense pleasures. The mind has to act as the associate of Buddhi. Speech subserving the mind and mind subserving the intellect - this is the way to bring about Prashanthi, the Supreme Peace. And, slowly and steadily, instruct the intellect to turn towards the Atma. Speech guided by a mind, which is in tune with an intellect illumined by the Atma - this will lead to us the ultimate goal.