Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beliefs, beliefs and beliefs

"Poorna madam, poorna midam poornath poorna mudasyathe poornasya poorna mathaye poorna meva vashishyathe" is the statement that Monali has explained....will be dealt with when the time comes......
But they are educated। How can they behave like that?”
Such statements are fundamentally illogical statements.

What’s wrong with this statement?

First, the way term education is understood and used. When we say, they are not educated or they are educated, we mean they are literates/ illiterate. Being Literate doesn’t make a person educated. They are two different things. Any person can be a literate fool. Likewise, we have so many illiterates who are highly educated. This statement gives us a supposition of the character or attitude of a person who is educated. But, are all people educated in the first place?

“Literate is one who is above 7 years and can read and write with an understanding in any language.” This is the definition of a literate. Where is it given that a literate is also cultured? And that his character is molded? It is only our supposition or understanding which is at fault. We came to presume that once a person is literate, he is also cultured.

Is it not a common sight in any big /small city to see people litter around in parks / public places without any civic sense? And these are the same ones who say “My God, India is such a dirty country. All because of uneducated people (here they mean illiterates!). But, the same person wouldn’t dare litter around or spit in public places, jump traffic signals, break civic rules in the foreign countries. When they come back from the foreign country, they talk so high of neatness there. Then, how come they don’t follow those rules here and didn’t when they were in India all their growing years?

Few years back the tragedy that struck Nepal Monarchy family was the happening in “an educated and a good family” only. “They are from good family” and “they are educated” tag doesn’t insulate any person against any emotions, attitudes or crime.

“All the blue-collared crimes /scandals are always committed by the well-to-do people and highly educated” only. Do I need to name them? Harshad Mehta, bofors, Clinton and Reagan’s issue, Britney and Michael Jackson and the list never seem to end of celebrities who are creating havoc in their and others lives. They all are from “good families” and are also “educated”. The ragging deaths, Jessica lal case also reflect your “good family and educated” background. But, are they reflected in these peoples’ actions. So, the correction should be made. These people are just literates. They are not educated. So, they have flaws that you and I have – variation is in the degree only.

Every case is an individual case. Don’t ever generalize. Treat every case as an independent one. Just drop “but, how can they?” they are showing by being what they are, so how can you question “but, how can they? “They just are.”

So truly said by Saint kabir who himself was an illiterate –
“पोथी पड़े जग मुवा पंडित भय न कोए
dआई अक्षर प्रेम का पढ़े सो पंडित होए”

he is not educated who has read n number of books,
only he is considered educated whose mastered two and half lettered word – prem (love) completely!

As I go to correct my language and their implications, you can too for yours……..



mohan said...

"Being Literate doesn’t make a person educated.Likewise, we have so many illiterates who are highly educated." So true.

In my apartment complex there are many educated people, doctors, bank manager, engineers and many educated IDIOTS who are always in tension, angry and frustrated.

My servant's father sometimes comes to our complex, is very humble and noble person compared to the educated blokes in my apt. complex. He is 7th failed and yet he is cool, calm and composed.He knows and follows only two things. RIGHT and WRONG. that's it.Simple.

Kshitija said...

This post has made my day thank you . I have read it then when it was posted but my understanding now is different . Thank you once again