Sunday, February 23, 2020

Me, My Guru – On fear!


Me, My Guru – On fear! Contd...

Image result for vivekananda quotes“Yes. I do! One of my greatest fears is if on my death bed one of you asks “What is the lesson you would want us to learn from your life?” and if my answer ended up being “Don’t waste your life teaching people about Dharma. Don’t end up wasting your life showing them the “Right Path”. No one wants that! They will take ONLY what they want! Not what is ‘Right’ and what you have given!

Make something useful from your life!” she became silent staring at the floor.

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We sat there dumb folded! Her pain and fear hit us hard! And to think the giver of that pain would be “us” –her so called “good students”. Her fear was also based on our attitudes, characters and the way we conducted ourselves.

And I knew for sure inspite of knowing this we in all of selfishness held on to our pain, suffering and ignorance more dearly than before. The fear of the “unknown” bliss was so strong in us that we reveled* in the comfort of our known pain and suffering.

It was sad that she had key to help us out of our fears but she didn’t have hers. Because her fear was based on us! And we….

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For once we were silent for quite sometime…..

She didn’t talk for the rest of the day….

Our day ended. Hers didn’t!

 (*reveled = enjoyed in noisy and happy way)


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