Friday, February 21, 2020

Me, My Guru – No mood to do sadhan/healing

Me, My Guru – No mood to do sadhan/healing

"Guruji! I am in no mood to do healing. I am waiting for my mood to get better and then I will do sadhan!" said Vaishnav.

Image result for good bad times buddha

You don’t sadhan when your mood is good. You do sadhan for your mood to get good.

Image result for good bad times buddha

“So that means if I am happy I don’t need to do sadhan?” he asked. And we found his question stupid as many times before.

Image result for good bad times buddha

“Then you do sadhan not to slip into mood swings and depression” she replied with patience.
Image result for good bad times buddha

We all laughed and she left us with our ‘limited and twisted understanding’. 


# good and bad times, healing, mood, depression, self healing, limited time to look within, 

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