Thursday, February 13, 2020

Me, My Guru - On being in sadhan!

Me, My Guru - On being in sadhan!

"Guruji, I am not regular in sadhan now as I am sick" said Preethi.

Look at the way she simply answered Preethi's excuse "more sick you are more you need to do healing......sickness is not an excuse not to do is an excuse to do sadhan. Do you go to Doctor after you get better or when you feel sick? Same way you are in 'healing therapy' because you are sick!"

I understood where we went wrong!

We found ways and excuses to be where we were and not get out of our painful situation and she always pushed us to get out of this 'stinking hole of self pity' and 'suffering'!

# on healing self, excuse to quit healing, suffering, pain, disease, breakdown situation, destiny and fate, 

Questions answered and points to be understood:

  • Why some get healed faster and others don't?
  • How do use 'break down situations' usefully and productively?
  • Every situation is a break down situation or a break through situation depending upon the person who sees it and uses it accordingly
  • situation is neither good or bad - every person makes it so......

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