Thursday, February 20, 2020

Me, My Guru – on furthering the sadhan……


Me, My Guru – on furthering the sadhan……

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If with IIdg you’ve travelled much further than most masters, then why do you think mastership will limit you or make you like them? Don’t you think you can make much progress than them! Think about it!

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We all need to go from A to B. we all wish to travel world too – well most of us!
Is there only one way of going from A to B – walking? NO!

Do we not use public and private transport depending upon our needs and affordability? Do we say ‘I’ll walk to Kashi** and not take train?” Yes, you can but what about time, hardships and energy wasted!

Like-wise each mode of transport comes with its pros and cons and we choose them weighing those pros and cons against each other!

This makes our journey faster, comfortable, easier and longer distances are covered in lesser time.

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See the healing also as this journey to be taken. Don’t you think each additional technique will make our healing of certain aspect better and faster”.

So saying she left us for the day!

And we were left thinking of those words! 

And all that Deshpande ended “How much time I’ve wasted because of my wrong understanding? 

Others remained silent!

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(**Kashi – also called as Benaras and Varanasi is the oldest habituated City in the World. It is considered to be the ‘City that can purify’ anyone who sets his foot on it as per Vedic Belief. It is one of the sacred places – a must see for all the Hindus in the world!)


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Aarthi said...

Very happy mamm,v culd start tyd with small donation for fee( for orphanage) . 2 . culd arrange one rice bag for tmmrww anadamm.feel blessed.

Supriya said...

Thank you for this article ma’am. I can relate to Deshpande right from beginning to the end. I feel that I have enjoyed the journey so far and feel okay about using this time to experience every bit of sadhan. However, the ending of this article has opened me up to look further ahead when the right time comes.
