Saturday, February 15, 2020

On thanking God!


Me, My Guru - On thanking God! 

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What do I do? How do I thank Him? Please tell me. Show me the way!”

We especially I was shocked.

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Even I was in her shoes all these years. I had only complained about things He didn’t make happen but I never did anything about anything and everything He showered me with! All I did was saying casually ‘Thank you Reiki, thank you Guruji” and felt I was being very grateful. Now I knew I wasn’t. I felt I was being generous in saying those words. And I also felt that He owed me for being ‘grateful’ and ‘such a good person’. How ignorant was I? What heights of selfishness? Just imagine my company said those words at the end of the month for all the work I did! How grateful and happy I would be? Right? But then it was God and He was not supposed to expect anything! And me, yes, I was right in demanding more and more and yet He was being mean, manipulative, egotist and what not!

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Cutting through my thoughts my Guru answered her question without judging her “God doesn't need our thank you or way of thank you.......everything is His and He gives us all can we give to one who gives us? By giving to those who matter to Him - His creations and His creation - i.e., people and this world......”

“That’s why I don’t think on those grounds. What can we give God?” added Vaishnav immediately.

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Many of us stared at him. He was way ahead of us in selfishness. He wanted more and more and never wanted to give. Today his nature was much more obvious. No doubt he was never happy from within. How can a selfish, greedy and complaining person ever be peaceful or happy from within?


Points to ponder :

  • Every person in world had some wish that was not fulfilled.
  • Every person has something he is not comfortable with.
  • And yet those people are also satisfied and happy.
  • Then who are the people who are not happy from within? They are not so because their wish is not being fulfilled. They are unhappy and crying from within because of their selfish nature. Greed in person and his attitude makes him 'empty from within'. No partner /spouse or marriage can remove that emptiness. He may state this reason to the world to gain pity. But the fact remains 'he would be empty married or unmarried for the rest of his life' till his character remains so.....
also reads :


Aarthi said...


Radhika said...

It's a real coincidence that exactly a day before Valentine's day I had come up with multiple thoughts considering the number of blessings I have received from God so far and how can I thank him for all that I have...especially my child.

While I know a few couples who are compromising on their life style by spending money to have a child. While another couple still putting their best efforts to come out of the biggest shock of their life of loosing their child who was born with some disorder.

While some are dealing with unhealthy / physically challenged children or children who need special attention.

When I think of these people I wonder how do I show gratitude to God for blessing me with a beautiful child.

I'm very happy and want to thank God in all possible ways for all his blessings showered on me so far :)

Thanks and regards,