Tuesday, February 4, 2020

On hindi poem - Safar by Nida fazli....


On hindi poem - Safar by Nida fazli....

Image result for words quote
One suggestion – I always say a sadhak (a spiritual person) should carry a smaller and a different dictionary and that would mean stop usage of many words and instead use words that are constructive and which help us to open up to the situation and the realities of life!

Image result for words quote Here the word we need to drop is ‘negative’. The moment we term something (here we used it to express the meaning that the poem stated) negative our whole system shuts to it. That word or situation becomes bad, ugly and detestable. And no one wants to understand that which is bad, ugly and detestable. We no longer are open to seeing the facts and picture for what it is! We condemn it. We judge it! We secure ourselves against it.

Image result for words quoteImage result for words quote Instead if we use the term ‘disturbing’ then we will shun it for sometime but later may want to go back there and see what is disturbing about it for us. This way we leave a possibility for ourselves to go to that place. Then there is a possibility that we look into it and see where, why and how it disturbs us. That will lead us to our problem area. And then the job for you is easy. All you need to do is ‘heal it’ as reiki channels and lo you are free of one more of your ‘conditioned thinking/ belief/ fear/ anger/ hatred/ shame’. To outgrow these is our ‘agenda’ is it not? That is real ‘freedom’. That is ‘enlightenment’ meaning we are able to ‘see’ under the light of knowledge things /people /situations for what they are instead of how they should be. So looking forward towards your enlightenment with this in the right direction, I say each one of you who benefits from this post send reiki as a blessing to the soul who used the word ‘negative’ for a couplet and set this ball rolling!

Image result for enlightenment quotes

(P.S: This post not only explained the meaning of the lines that you didn't quite understand but tried to explain how 'every poem' should and can be used for self elevation. 

It also tried to explain where and how our perspective is limited in 'all that we read/hear/listen' .

This limitation in perspective makes us miss out on learning and unlearning the needful every time we come across 'messages' that are sent to us by the  Universe/Reiki/Master/God.

This also is trying to teach you to 'listen' right!

Only when you listen will you complain such as 
a.Why I am suffering?
b.Why my wish is fulfilled/not fulfilled?
c.Why no results for my pooja/sadhan etc..?

This also explains why and how we read/understand only from our experiences and expectations and can't see beyond them! And hence can't understand the 'other' who is beyond your 'attitudes' and 'belief systems!)

Hope this has cleared your doubt and rested your mind in peace!


Suggestions : As always I suggest you go through the entire post in one go once again to get its import right.....

Those of you who read the suggested related posts share as to which post helped you understand the points better with others!

1 comment:

Aarthi said...

Thank you for correcting me mamm.Thank you for beautiful msg too.