Tuesday, February 4, 2020

on understanding!

On understanding!

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As long as I think 'I am right 'already' then there is no need to understand anything and change anything......

As long as am right, I will be justifying my words and actions and trying very hard only to prove that so! Then where is the question of 'understanding' the answer or solution? 

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Even when the answer is 'given' I can't take as I am 'already' right and I don't need to correct anything. It is the other person who is wrong and misunderstanding.

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A simple verbal 'sorry' cannot make the wrong of misunderstanding and a complain that 'I am not being addressed/understood/ heard/ answered"

"Sorry" is to be said and felt knowing that I am wrong and need to change the way I act / feel/ am / think. It is said when I realize that I regret my action / feel / think and am  'putting effort' in the right direction to change. 

Being what I am, my actions being what they were, my thoughts assuming that I am right - well sorry becomes 'hallow' and meaningless.

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Only 'humility' that I am 'wrong' somewhere and the other especially when it is 'master/Reiki/god' (who are supposed to know more than you!?) know more than me can make you understand.

Humility brings acceptance of the same fact.

Acceptance makes us look within sincerely - not to justify ourselves but to address our flaws.

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Then that acceptance looks at the problem area and accepts it.

Only when 'it' is 'accepted' that you own 'a flaw' can you heal it or disown it!?

# stubborn, acceptance, humility, on receiving, healing

Points to understood :

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  • Attitudes that are stumbling blocks in our clarity of thought!
  • Why we see the way we see!
  • Only when our 'junk' from 'mind' is cleared can we 'see' clearly.
  • Till then we 'think' we understand / know but we don't.
  • Biggest curse we carry by ourselves is when we 'think' we are right and are 'actually' wrong'
  • If what we think is so right then why is there so much pain, disturbance and suffering.

1 comment:

Mona said...

Why is it that we have a solution in front of us, we still don't employ it and keep worrying about the situation again and again? N