Sunday, February 16, 2020

Me, My Guru - On thanking God!


Me, My Guru -  On thanking God!

Image result for buddha gratitudeBut our Guru just continued “you can send reiki atleast to 3 people known/unknown daily (you can choose the no. as per your convenience) and heal their problems or for their well being. Just don't expect them to thank you or be grateful to you.....
Remember, you are not doing for are doing for HIM - remember that! 

And then send reiki for Earth Healing - his creation being abused by one and all - do you think He would be happy with that?

think about it like create something and then someone comes along and breaks it. Would you love it? How would you feel?

Image result for buddha gratitude
What would you expect from others to do? You would expect people whom you love to mend that 'creation' of yours - right? Do the same with his creation and for his creation earth healing. Again, don't put this up as 'good karma' I am doing since so many days/years and yet why am I suffering ' question are only giving out your appreciation for what you already received.
Image result for buddha gratitude

You can pick up do japam* set no. of times. For example, you can chant at least
 ‘one mala (rosary) /day as a form of gratitude.
For those who can’t find time daily, you can sit down on weekends and chant 7 times (at least) as a form of gratitude.


*japam – it is repetition of certain words – usually a divine name or a mantra for a set no. of times.

also read on gratitude : 

Questions answered : 

  • How to repay to God for all He gave?
  • What to do to show our Gratitude over and above 'just lip service'?
  • How do I show gratitude to every one to whom I 'say' I have gratitude?
Points to be understood :

Saying is easy. Doing what you say or meaning what you say is different. Only a genuine 'gratitude filled heart' can SHOW clearly it is grateful. Others just get away with a 'hallow thanks' and consider themselves very 'grateful'.

The assumption of 'being good' with such hallow acts is the cause of pain and suffering. Because you want results based on these 'empty words' and Universe gives results on your 'real nature' and genuine acts!

1 comment:

Aarthi said...

Thank you mamm,
Pure love is a willingness to give without, a
Thought of receiving anything in return.

From complaints to gratitude🌱🌱🌹👌👍