Saturday, February 22, 2020

Me, My Guru – On fear!

Me, My Guru – On fear!

“Guruji, do you have any fears?” asked Rahul abruptly in the class that was dealing with fear.

He was good at asking questions related to our Guru. We asked irrelevant questions like –

Image result for vivekananda quotes

“Where did you study?”

“What is your degree?”

“What is your caste/religion/marital status?”

“How many children do you have?”

None of these questions benefited us one bit. But we were only for “data collection” as she termed these questions and their answers.

Image result for vivekananda quotes
But Rahul asked questions the answers of which not only benefited him but also us in more than one way! Today was one such ‘question’. Most of us thought she had no fears. And some who thought she had fears didn’t dare ask her that.

Moreover we were ever busy collecting irrelevant data. So where was time left to seek “sensible” stuff from our Guru!

I like many presumed her to say “I don’t fear anything”. But to my surprise was her answer. It also hurt me a lot! 


# fear, emotions, attachments, desire, love, losing, anger, character, choices

also reads suggested : 

Points to look into : 

  • Not every question asked is worth an answer!
  • Not every thought that crosses our mind deserves to come out as question
  • Only question that is "sensible" and useful either to yourself or others is the 'right' question
  • Accusing and calling names someone who benefits you is not "asking doubts"
  • Question that you ask reflects your character. Justifying it further only reiterates your character. It doesn't help one bit in making your wrong right!

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