Monday, June 13, 2022

Me, my Guru – on hole in a boat



Me, my Guru – on hole in a boat

Our Guru stopped, took her tea and enjoyed it. We were lost in the story and our tea ran cold. And those that drank didn’t realize that they had tea?!

“Maam, we are getting a raise of just 20% when we deserve 40%. And here, even without a wee bit of work you are paid such huge sum by that student. Tell us the secret to ‘this type of financial abundance’?”

This simple question was loaded with jealousy, sarcasm and taunt. And yet, she answered the question. Not because she had to but because she wanted to use this opportunity too to teach something. Therein lay her character. And that was the basis for this phenomena!

She didn’t’ explain much. She said it all in action!

“Just ‘be’ the example that you want your child to emulate. Let your character shine forth as a light that guides your child. Children follow their parents’ actions not words. If the parent is shouting, loosing calm, agitated, depressed and like, you can’t expect the child to be calm, respectful, disciplined etc.

Be the ‘role model’ that you want her to be!

Then no in-laws can make an impact on her. Tomorrow when she grows up, she will meet all types of people in this world. How can you shield her from all those people? No one can. But by giving her right (sanskar) values you can make her sensible and responsible enough to make right decisions in life. Look at the ‘hole’ in your boat’ that needs to be repaired to do all this” said our Guru.


# hole in a boat, on being grateful, on appreciating others little deeds of good, little nothings that matter, go an extra mile, do all the little acts of good, being human, character, honesty, giving 100%, on giving right and completely, on love, on giving, giving and receiving, secret of abundance, you receive what you receive for who you are

also read suggested : 

Points from this post : 

"And here, even without a wee bit of work you are paid such huge sum by that student. " - It is usually seen that we negate or demean others success with simple words like "oh! he is so lucky or his dad is famous maam etc".


Every one gets what he deserves. May be his worthiness is not from present time but for acts done previously by him. But, whatever it is every one gets his due!

Whenever it pains to see someone's growth, success, happiness - use that jealousy to your advantage. Instead of projecting it on the person who got his due, use it to achieve things that you desire. See how you can work to get those things that others have and you desire. Plan your work and work your plan! Then your jealousy also becomes your friend. Use your every emotion to your advantage. They are your 'road maps' telling you something about you and your life. They show us where we lack and why....use them wisely and instead of suffering BECAUSE  of them, grow BECAUSE of them!

That is the secret of shifting towards being spiritual from being materialistic. That is the way to break the vicious cycle of karma! See this happen in the following lines "Not because she had to but because she wanted to use this opportunity too to teach something. Therein lay her character. And that was the basis for this phenomena!"

Please Note : As ever read all the post at one go at the end of the completion of the posts on a certain topic. 

Get back with your doubts, understanding, experiences and application of the same for others to benefit from your learning.

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