Thursday, June 30, 2022

Being Aware!


Being Aware!

Nothing is more fulfilling than being "aware" at the moment!

It may last only few seconds - and yet, it leaves behind lasting impression and benefits...

It relieves you of all the stress and strain for that moment and energizes you enough to face the ups and downs of life...

It doesn't solve any problem in and of your life - but yes, it does make you available and strong enough to deal with the problems of life...

It clears your mind - and that is enough for clarity of thought to pop up with solutions to your issues.

Sometimes, it shows up as change in your perception.

Sometimes, it clears the path ahead.

Sometimes, it pushes your ego and lets the Divine take charge.

Sometimes, it shows the action to be taken.

Each issue unto itself! Not everyone's problem is same. Not everything is dealt same. And that clarity comes by and by as you meditate over the years...

and that is exactly when the 'miracles' happen too!!!

# being in the present, living in the moment, mindfulness, being aware, miracles, healing self, karma, creating destiny, causes of pain and suffering, techniques to heal karma, peace of mind, mind, 

also read suggested : 


Note :

For all those who are practicing "restful living" as sadhan and being "Aware" for at least 1-2 mts few times a day - are you also aware of the receiving Reiki from me as soon as you practice "Awareness" meditation?


Mona said...

Yes Ma'am. I have been practicing and receiving reiki from you. Thank you.
- Mona

Kshitija said...

Yes through out the day I am able to experience all the above when ever I am doing awareness meditation .
My tasks are becoming easier
The guidance is being relieved and many more things are happening

Swati said...

I tried practicing being aware or being in the moment. Couple of thoughts did come. Stil Felt I received reiki on my third eye chakra.