Friday, June 3, 2022

Me, My Guru - On life and death – III!



Me, My Guru - On life and death – III!


When other students saw him looking blankly at Buddha’s face, they thought he was shocked beyond repair. They shook him, shouted at him and pleaded him to cry even to release his pain and anguish. He didn’t talk. He didn’t explain. He didn’t fight or judge them. He kept looking at his master’s face!

After having tried doing everything to make him cry, talk or move and having failed, they rushed to Buddha. They told him about ‘this student’. Buddha smiled and said ‘Leave him alone! He is the only one doing what ought to be done at such times. The one who has to go would go anyhow even if you cry and create a scene. Nothing can stop ‘death’ when it comes. So saying even Buddha went into meditation.

Now, this student had a sister at home. She came to know of the entire incident. She decided to sit in meditation along with her brother. From that day onwards, she would complete all her works as soon as possible and sit and meditate all through the day and night. Few days passed.


# life and death, living life, make moments count, long life, meaningful life, full of life, life, death, problems and solutions, inevitable and how to face them, suffering is optional, 

also read suggested : 

On understanding this post : 

"He is the only one doing what ought to be done at such times." - Everybody acts in response to a situation. But only the blessed few know to "ACT RIGHT". And this blessedness comes with every choice we make through the day, every day of our life. With every healing, this blessedness becomes us! Through humility that we are not 'entitled' to life or the niceties of life comes this blessedness. Through gratefulness for life and its gifts from the Creator comes this blessedness. On letting go off things that we want from life and in demanding situations to work out in our "fixated' way of desire we become eligible to receive this "BLESSEDNESS".

"She decided to sit in meditation along with her brother. " - To the READY student, to the pure in intent and heart, to the humble even hearing about some "right act" of others is enough to take them towards abundance. It connects them to their SELF! They work out their karma! They work out their destiny!

1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

I am loving this series on "Life & Death"... it's both profound and meaningful...

Real death is death of the ego and I experience it sometimes during "Hands-on" or Meditation and at times doing nothing in particular... When i connect to that space within, the mind is totally silent & it so peaceful and beautiful... it's very refreshing... In a recent PLR session I saw my death in another lifetime some 200 years ago... At my death in that l Iifetime I saw a beautiful white dazzling light... made me feel - "Death is Beautiful"... AND IT IS!!!

In one of those remarkable coincidences in my life, my wife Radha passed away on the birthday of my daughter Priyanka... I felt existence sent me a beautiful message that life, Iove and death are all deeply inter connected... death is the opposite of birth and not life... between the shores of birth and death, life and love flows... and only when love is there, can life be a celebration... And when life is a celebration, death too will be the final celebration...

Today 3rd June, I celebrated Priyanka's birthday & also Radha's passing away in this life... I messaged Priyanka Wishing her all the love & hugs and asked her to be in silence for a while to receive her 'Mommys' blessings... & I messaged Radha thru Reiki to be blessed with love, joy & awareness wherever she is... Priyanka lives far away & Radha is there in another realm, but both of them live in my heart which is never too far away❤️❤️
Love and Gratitude ❤️ 🙏