Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Me, my Guru – on hole in a boat



Me, my Guru – on hole in a boat

“Go that extra-mile! Do every job with complete honesty and integrity! “Hole in the boat” may not be your job – yet repair it if and when it comes to your notice – without any request or command. Do not even look at returns. It is ‘a small thing’ – so don’t expect any returns. That is the way you perform any job you undertake – be it in your own house or in office” and turning to the one who taunted she continued “Of 100’s of students, one comes to pay out of gratitude validating the ‘small repair of their hole’. All others are just demanding, angry, sarcastic or fault-finding and complaining. Similarly, only, one of hundreds of your ‘repairs’ may come back to you ‘as bonus amount’. But for that ‘extra amount’ you need to repair ‘100’s’ of holes unasked, unappreciated, unnoticed, ununderstood and not validated. Got it?

The amount you all pay is only for the ‘classes’ that you attend. What about all the other services that you take without paying anything? The anger and frustrations in your life you dump on to me and just go away? The day if and when someone realizes it, he just gets away with a ‘sorry’. Others just go away. Have you ever paid for using me as your punch bag or as a dumping ground? And yet, you people call me money-minded and what not! Over and above that you are jealous of me being paid by one of you!!??


# hole in a boat, on being grateful, on appreciating others little deeds of good, little nothings that matter, go an extra mile, do all the little acts of good, being human, character, honesty, giving 100%, on giving right and completely, on love, on giving, giving and receiving, secret of abundance, you receive what you receive for who you are

also read suggested : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Stories+and+all%21+Two+men+in+the+bus-stop 

Points from the post : 

The amount you all pay is only for the ‘classes’ .....being paid by one of you!!?? " - There are different ways the same taunt can be addressed. One is the classic Guru's usual response of keeping mum and moving on. The other is where The Guru explains CALMLY how the money paid to her is long due and why. Most of us know of the these two methods of addressing a issue. The third ofcourse is to ask the person to go away and cut off all ties with him. 

Each of this response is right ONLY IF USED  in right time and for right reason and on right person.

Otherwise, it becomes wrong. That would become the "wound' that would come back as septic in future and that event eventually ends up being very painful for us.

Choosing the right every single time comes with clarity of thought. Clarity of thought depends on level of consciousness that we are operating from. And that depends on healing done to drop all the negativities and psychic impressions that we carry within us!

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the wonderful words when ever I feel confused I am coming back here and each time it is giving me a new strength.