Thursday, June 9, 2022

Me, My Guru - On life and death – III!



Me, My Guru - On life and death – III!

5.The difference in benefit received from student to student depended solely on their attitude and intent. Procedure being the same gave different results to each depending upon his level of consciousness. And we asked “ma’am, if such miracles happen to her, why can’t my simple wish be fulfilled?”

Our Guru just smiled and left. Though we understood a lot, I knew we didn’t understand it all! We needed to understand it better and for that we had to go within and we had to heal ourselves more!

For now, we decided to work on our fear and attitude of postponing everything. Other things can wait – for now!



# life and death, living life, make moments count, long life, meaningful life, full of life, life, death, problems and solutions, inevitable and how to face them, suffering is optional, 

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you for breaking the ice on death.
Initially when I read the first post I was a bit scared, all the confusion prevailed in mind .
But as post proceeded felt very relieved.
I have learnt that death is a part of life and we need to work on it tooo.
I need to develop sakshibhavana.
Importance of working on masters words
Importance of silence.

Through out not only the post and links but points to understand and question time also were very helpful.
Would read the entire post again and make a note of the points .