Sunday, June 5, 2022

Me, My Guru - On life and death – III!



Me, My Guru - On life and death – III!

He was startled and shocked. He went as requested. He was shaken by the time he reached the monastery.

Buddha called him and asked his experience of the day. The monk replied “The Great One! It was very disturbing day for me. Today, I went in the area you commanded me to seek bhiksha. Our monk’s sister stays there. Every thought I had got manifested immediately. Later, I realized she could read my thoughts and so fulfilled them”.

Buddha smiled and replied “Let’s see what happens tomorrow”.

The monk shook his head and replied “No, Great One! I can’t! That lady can read my thoughts. She also must’ve read my other thoughts. I had some thoughts of lust too today! She would’ve known that too. And so, I am ashamed to face her again”.

Buddha nodded his head and said “That’s ok! You HAVE to go there again without fail tomorrow. There is no going back on that! But, when you go there just go with a ‘sakshibhav’ –i.e., be a witness to your thoughts. Just keep looking at them”.


# life and death, living life, make moments count, long life, meaningful life, full of life, life, death, problems and solutions, inevitable and how to face them, suffering is optional, 

also read suggested : 

Points to understand post :

"That’s ok! You HAVE to go there again without fail tomorrow."- Do the thing that you fear till that fear goes away. There is no other way to outgrow fear!

"sakshibhav’ –i.e., be a witness to your thoughts. " - Become aware of your thoughts. Become aware of what you are generating. Become aware of your self! If being aware of  yourself is giving you pain and suffering, then 'being that YOU' - does it sound reasonable? If being aware of yourself makes you uncomfortable, then how can you expect others to be comfortable around you? How can  you expect affection and respect from others? How can  you ever be at peace with yourself?

The one who is not comfortable being with himself has got VERY BAD COMPANY!  It's hightime he changes it! (There is a high chance of misunderstanding and misquoting this sentence. By doing so, one is only harming himself, not proving anything good about himself)

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