Friday, June 24, 2022

On future!


On future!

Don’t go knocking at every door like a beggar seeking protection. Don’t let fear cloud your courage. Do unto yourself what you want others to do for you. You are a Reiki channel! You are given a tool wonderful to heal yourself and your life. Why waste it and seek help from outside? Heal now! Don’t wait for problem to come. Don’ think I’ll heal then…heal daily then by the time it’s time for karma to express itself, it would be so diluted that you wouldn’t even feel the pinch of it. Just think about it!

So, get up and heal.

So, take charge of your life.

Future is what you desire it to be – go change it for better NOW when you still have a chance!



# on worry, future, on things beyond our control, time, mind, living in the moment, living in the present, destiny and fate, 

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the wonderful message I will work on it.
My today’s sadhan time message I was worrying and didn’t know the cause with hands on opened the blog because blog is my constant reiki mother through which I can feel u , and got my answer thank you reiki ,thank u guruji