Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Me, My Guru - On life and death – III!


Me, My Guru - On life and death – III!


Having completed her tea, she asked “So, what did you understand from all this? Where do you think your understanding can be fitted?”

The best of our understanding (collective!) can be summed up as follows:

1.The sensible person and a great Guru – both can make good use of even small amount of time of their life. They don’t sit to ask “Why it happened to me” type of questions. They never waste time in such idle questions and talk. They put their time and thus their life to good use – every single time!

2.We always desire to know others’ thoughts. People are always asking “Guruji, can you read others’ thoughts? Can you teach us to?”

But they forget if we can read others’ thoughts, even our thoughts can be read by others. And are we comfortable with that? Will we be confident if we knew that our thoughts are picked by others?


# life and death, living life, make moments count, long life, meaningful life, full of life, life, death, problems and solutions, inevitable and how to face them, suffering is optional, 

also read suggested : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2010/07/pranayamam.html 



Points to understand the post "

"They never waste time in such idle questions and talk. They put their time and thus their life to good use – every single time!" - idle talk both external and internal causes pain, waste of time and energy....time is precious. Once lost, it can't be regained. Put your time to only good use. Every successful man invested his time in productive things only. And once you become successful to stay there you need to be extra careful on this issue.

"And are we comfortable with that?" - Only a person who is not afraid of others reading his thoughts is GOOD PERSON. All others think they are and assume so. That's why they are ever eager to project a 'good image'. Our thoughts are in our control. Let's drive them towards right direction. Let's not have anything to be ashamed of our thoughts. Then, only then will be become comfortable looking at them and being with ourselves. 

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