Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Me, my Guru – on hole in a boat



Me, my Guru – on hole in a boat

There was no sarcasm or anger in her tone. She calmly answered him. This way, she showed us how to ‘repair a hole’ in our relationships too’!

We with our anger, complaints, fault-finding made ‘big a hole’ that was already there in our relationship. And here she repaired it effortlessly!

"And how to ‘express’ our affection" question got answered even without being addressed directly. Her ways of teaching were many. And we were so slow in observing and understanding all of them at a time and by ourselves. So, we pooled in our understandings to get a larger picture. This way at least in theory we got more of ‘right’ answers and choices to make in our life that attracted abundance into it.

“The life you are given is the ‘boat’. We can say we don’t want to ‘learn’ anything in life.

“Why is God/Guru pushing us to learn?” I hate them for doing so!” – well, we can say these and such things. But, the truth is no one is forcing you to do ‘learning’. It is just inevitable. And, as long as we ‘stop’ ourselves from learning and out-growing our ‘littleness’ we are doomed to suffer and be the cause of suffering to people in our life. Period! That’s the reality no one can run away from!

As long as we are obsessed with ‘enjoying’ we are bound to experience pain. Time we understood our definition of ‘enjoyment’. This we relate with ‘painting the boat’. We just want to paint the boat of our life with our favourite colour and be done with it. But in the process, are we looking at the ‘small holes’ in our life? Are we postponing mending them for flawed reasons like – no-time, laziness, being uncomfortable, it’s painful to repair it etc etc....


# hole in a boat, on being grateful, on appreciating others little deeds of good, little nothings that matter, go an extra mile, do all the little acts of good, being human, character, honesty, giving 100%, on giving right and completely, on love, on giving, giving and receiving, secret of abundance, you receive what you receive for who you are

also read suggested : 

Question time :

Why are we running away from facing our truths?

Why are we postponing looking within and healing our flaws?

Why are we sticking with attitudes that are causing us so much of pain?

What does it take to develop our divine nature?

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