Friday, May 4, 2018

on love and ego!

On feelings and ego - A short story!

In a certain island all feelings lived together. But as no story can be without a storm, it (storm) broke out in the sea one day and the island was about to get drowned.

Being scared every feeling felt helpless, dejected and blank. But LOVE made a boat to escape. It asked everyone to board that boat. Every feeling boarded the boat.

But EGO was left out. It did not board the boat. Love got down to bring EGO into the boat. Everyone asked Love to leave behind EGO and come with them. Love being love couldn't do that!

It stayed back with Ego as all other feelings escaped. Within no time, island was totally drowned.
Love died with Ego.

What did you understand from this story?

How and where do you apply it in your life?


Supriya said...

I can try to answer this but am not sure if it will be absolute. Love is unconditional, filled with hope, has the ability to save and has the strength to stay with the one dying without fear of death. Ego on the other hand is blind and does not care if it is dying or if someone is dying for/with it. Love does not need love in return to do what it wants to do so one may argue that love is blind too. Love and ego believe in themselves, but only love has the ability to think beyond itself and save self and others, while ego kills itself and anybody with it. I will be interested in knowing more about this. Supriya

Kshitija said...

When there is ego we become blind and are not able to see the love that life offers us