Monday, May 7, 2018

The bad man – Stories and all!

The bad man – Stories and all!

There once was a man who helped people whenever they came to him. He was a simple man living within his means. He once found a snake that was badly hurt. He took pity and nursed it as was his nature. Everyone suggested him otherwise. He smiled and continued taking care of it. He would feed it with eggs and milk daily and very soon it became hale and healthy. The man asked it to leave. The snake bit him and left.

Now in that village lived a woman who went around asking everyone “if the snake had bit the man who had helped it, then how bad he must’ve been for the snake to have bitten him?” all in that village stopped visiting this man. It sounded right to all and they judged ‘the man’ for the same. He came to be called a ‘bad man’ by one and all in that village and even those who didn’t know him believed him to be a ‘bad man’ and spread this message around!

What does this story tell you?

What does ‘bad man’ represent?

What does ‘snake’ represent?

Was the ‘bad man’s tag’ justified? If yes/no, why?

What does this story teach us about the world?

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