Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The lonely ant

The lonely ant

There was an ant in an ant hill. He like every other ant worked and brought home sugar but the similarity ended there. He didn’t share it with others. All other ants put their sugar in a common place which was under the control the queen ant. They kept telling him that he wasn’t doing it right but he didn’t budge. He kept the sugar to himself. He never shared it with others. Inspite of repeated requests, explanations, cajoling and threats he didn’t change his way of living. At last, everyone went to Queen Ant and complained about ‘our ant’. The Queen ordered him to mend his ways and share his sugar with one and all. He disagreed to do the same. She was furious and commanded other ants to throw him out of the ant hill. They followed her orders.

Now our dear ant was glad he had all the sugar for himself and no one eyeing it. But after some time, his loneliness bothered him and he became sad. He had his sugar but he lost his joy, others company and happiness.

Now what does this story tell us?

What does that ‘ant’ stand for?

What does ‘sugar’ represent here?

Why was it sad at the end inspite of having ‘not to share its sugar’ with anyone?

Was the Queen ant wrong in banishing it? If so why? If not, then why not?

also read :

1 comment:

REVATHI said...


1. What does the story tells us?
Sharing Joy will double the joy and a company of friends will reduce the pain.

2. What does the ant stand for?
It represents a family, society, company.

3. What does the sugar present here?
It represents all the material things and also success and joy.

4. Was the queen and wrong in banishing it? if so why? if not, then why?
No the queen and didn't do the right thing. If one doesn't abide by the law it doesn't mean one should be thrown out. Just like what my mother in law did. We didn't get along so she wanted us to move out. IT is one's personal choice to share or not to share. In the process of keeping things common other people take things for granted.
(as sent to me...)