Wednesday, May 30, 2018

On intelligence

On intelligence especially of women....

Today I overheard two women talking and one of their sentences caught my attention. Need your opinion, understanding of the same. They said “Brainy women don’t fit into society and they shouldn’t be allowed to stay in the society and over and above that that woman went ahead and got married. Women with brains shouldn’t marry. They don’t fit in the institution of marriage”.

I didn’t understand a word of that statement of theirs and before I could catch up with them, I lost them. Please share your views, understanding, opinion, stand on their statement….


Mona said...

Even I dint understand it. Someone also told me "XYZ is doing very well in her work. But she is unmarried and lives with her mother. Women like this have to be alone only!!"

I try not to think of people as men or women, but as just beings or souls. I dont understand what the difference is except for in producing a family (which is also the persons personal matter). Why should it make nay difference in any other aspect of life?

mohan said...

I think everybody feels insecure with women who has brains (or intelligent),specially if she is married. Men have ego prloblems as they cannot argue as she is right and intelligent enough in solving any kind of problem. That hurts all those who are elder to her bec major decisions r taken by the elders in a family.