Sunday, May 27, 2018

On love!

On love!

If there was only one thing that I was allowed to do, then that would be to LOVE!

If there was only one thing that I was allowed to pursue, then that would be LOVE!

If there was only one refuge that I was allowed to go to, then that would be LOVE!

If there was only one word that I was allowed to say, then that would be LOVE!

If there was only one prayer that I was allowed to say, that would be LOVE!

If there was only one legacy that I am allowed to pass on, then that would be LOVE!

If there was only one teaching that I am to teach, then that would be LOVE!

and If I am to live only one life, that would be for LOVE!

and I searched for such a love in work, people, relations, dreams, books, sayings, acts and when I had finally lost hope of finding it, I found it in my silence...

and I have kept it wrapped inside me since with eyes and mouth shut ....

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